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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Low Cost, Long Life LED Light Bulbs

Switching to more efficient, longer-lasting light bulbs may not seem to be that much of a big deal. Yet in reality it is. The important factors that we need to consider in this context is that the net effects resulting from enormous numbers of small things; which when added up, tend to completely swamp the overall effects of a few big changes.

The Benefits

Instant Illumination – Unlike the current crop of eco-bulbs these new LED bulbs fully illuminate instantly
Flicker-Free – The new LEDs do not flicker. Flickering light bulbs; especially subliminal flicker, which has for quite some time now been closely linked to or the causative of migraine headaches and epileptic seizures
Long Life – The new LED light bulbs are rated as having an average working life of 100,000 hours (over 60 years of normal use) which is 10 times that of the current generation of eco-friendly light bulbs.
Improved Efficiency – These new bulbs are 12 times more efficient than tungsten bulbs and three times more efficient than current fluorescent bulbs.
No Mercury – The new bulbs are totally mercury free; which is an environmental benefit of considerable significance. It also makes their eventual disposal far less damaging to the environment.
Fiscal Savings – This lighting technology could conservatively slash the average household’s lighting bill by up to three-quarters. Business on the other hand could expect to reap lighting bill savings in excess of 20% of their current lighting expenditure. It is estimated that the retail price of these new LEDs will be around $2 per unit.

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